Ai Health Highway is an Ai-first company focused on making the screening of chronic disease cost effective at primary care clinics - the first point of contact for any patient. Each year, 43 million people die of Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), equivalent to 71% of all deaths globally. Our goal is to reduce 30% of these premature deaths due to NCDs by 2030 and work towards early detection and prediction of Heart/Lung Disorders.
AiSteth (our Ai-enabled smart stethoscope) has the potential to screen, detect and predict heart and lung disorders using state-of-the-art signal processing and ML capabilities.
The AiSteth smart stethoscope and app comes loaded with multiple features to empower doctors to auscultate accurately with ease.
See The Sound
AiSteth helps you see the sound, with nothing but a smartphone - as both spectrogram and
waveform/line visualizations.
Record, Store & Share
The in-app record, store and share features let you export audio and visual data - for easy
sharing with specialists for second opinion. It also enables easy tele-consultations and remote diagnosis of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
Ai/ML Beta Features
Our app leverages advanced Ai/ML technology to help users detect and identify
anomalies in heart and lung sounds - using state-of-the-art signal processing and machine learning models.
Digital + Analog
AiSteth can be used both as a traditional & digital stethoscope with your smartphone.
Simply connect your Aisteth via bluetooth, download our App, and sign in to transform your auscultation experience into a digital and visual one!
Easy Patient and Clinic Integration
Our Android app ensures that all your patient and clinic data is safely stored
in the cloud. Simply add your clinics, sign-in, and access data with a tap of a button.
Seamless Connectivity
AiSteth’s advanced bluetooth feature ensures seamless connectivity to your smartphone
during auscultation - eliminating interference with other devices, connectivity issues, and any network-related difficulties. The mobile app syncs online with Wi-Fi or mobile data to store all your recordings and patient data safely.
AiSteth helps you cut through ambient noises and listen to heart, lung and abdomen sounds more clearly - while also increasing accuracy through visual augmentation in real time.
Simply share your audio-visual data online with specialists from your smartphone and get an appropriate diagnosis and second opinion.
With visual aid and Ai/ML augmentations, AiSteth drastically shortens the time taken for students to learn to detect abnormal heart sounds and murmurs - as a great teaching/learning tool.